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HB 2058: A Bill to Increase Dental Hygienists’ Scope of Practice

HB 2058: A Bill to Increase Dental Hygienists’ Scope of Practice HB 2058, sponsored by Representative Nancy Barto on our behalf, makes two (2) important changes to our scope of practice  First, it allows dental hygienists to practice under the general supervision of a physician in an in-patient hospital setting. New and exciting service delivery

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Arizona Becomes First State to Recognize Professional Licenses from All States

Arizona Becomes First State to Recognize Professional Licenses from All States When Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed HB 2569 on April 10, 2019 he proclaimed that “Arizona is open for business”.  The move is unprecedented.  Will this encourage other states to finally recognize that skills and abilities don’t change just by crossing a state line?

Arizona Becomes First State to Recognize Professional Licenses from All States Read More »

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Tentative Itinerary

Here’s the tentative plan for the day:   8:30     Check-in 8:45     Updates, Legislator Meeting Assignments & Logistics 9:30     Capitol Day Activities (Meetings with Legislators, Committee Meetings, Possible Capitol Museum Tour) 1:15     House and Senate Floor Sessions, Group’s Introduction to Legislators 2:00     Meetings with Legislators continue 3:00     Capitol Day Concludes   Arizona State Capitol Complex, 1700

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