Davy Nicole
AzDHA President
Davy Nicole Evans, RDH

ADHA Alternate

  • ADHA Alternate Delegate 2020, 2021
  • ADHA Delegate 2022-2024
    • Delegate Chair 2022-2023

Constituent AzDHA:

  • Interm Board of Directors 2020
  • Board of Directors 2021- Present
    • Treasurer 2021-Present


  • Student ADHA President 2015


  • Mohave Community College
    • Associates of Applied Science Dental Hygiene


  • Spear Education 2021-present
  • Family Dentistry 2017-2021
  • Arizona Dental 2016-2017

My intention is to run for another term as an AzDHA Board of Directors. I have had the privilege of serving these past three years and look forward to continuing to help serve my professional association. My past positions included being a Member at Large and more recently Treasurer. I have served two 1year terms as an Alternate delegate, I am in my current two-year term as a Delegate. I have learned so much serving for AzDHA and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow with my colleagues for the betterment of our profession!!!

My family has a saying “Go Forth and Do Good” I look forward to the opportunity to go forth and do good for the state of Arizona.


AzDHA Treasurer
Denise Negron, RDH


As Treasurer of the Arizona Dental Hygienists’ Association, I am deeply passionate about advocating for our profession and advancing the field of dental hygiene. With over two decades of experience in the dental field and a strong commitment to excellence, I am dedicated to ensuring that our profession is recognized and valued for the vital role we play in promoting oral health. Through strategic financial management and advocacy efforts, I aim to elevate the visibility and importance of dental hygienists within the healthcare community. Together, let us work towards a future where dental hygienists are celebrated for their expertise and contributions to overall wellness.

AzDHA Member at Large
Davena Drowns, RDH, MBA, EdD


  • University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences – EdD with an emphasis in Executive Leadership
  • Baker College – MBA with an emphasis in Healthcare Management
  • University of Utah – Duel BS Degree: Sociology and Behavior Science & Health
  • Illinois Central College – AAS in Dental Hygiene

Industry Volunteerism:

  • AzDHA Board of Directors 2024 – Present
    Director of Membership
    Director of Leadership and Development
  • ADHA Delegate 2024 – Present
  • Nepris Micro-Enterprise 2017 – Present
  •             Educator in CDC Guidelines and OSHA Standards
  • AzDHA Communications Committee Member 2017-2019
  • ADHA CODA Dental Hygiene Education Standards Ad-Hoc Review Group – 2017
  • ADAA Delegate – 2016

A few years after graduating from the dental hygiene program in Illinois, I moved to Salt Lake City for snow skiing. While in Utah I worked in general dentistry and periodontology. I desired to truly connect with my patients and gain an understanding of how social differences and socioeconomic status affect treatment case acceptance. It was at this time I continued my educational journey at the University of Utah. After two years of study, I graduated and then registered for an MBA program. After graduating, I said I would never go back to school. In the fall of 2006, I moved to Arizona where I worked in clinical hygiene as well as managed dental assisting programs at two local colleges. As a lifelong learner and finding value in knowledge in 2019, I continued on my educational journey and graduated last spring earning a Doctor of Education. Currently, I  practice clinical hygiene while advancing my career within the dental industry. I consider myself to be a periodontal hygienist and an expert in infection control guidelines and bloodborne pathogen standards. I believe strongly in maintaining high ethical standards and that integrity should never waver. I am passionate about dental hygiene,  advancing our profession, mentoring dental hygienists as they start their hygiene careers, and committed to helping the AzDHA reach its goals and serve fellow dental hygienists.

Deb Goldman
Executive Director Deb was born and raised in Florida. She was a member of the charter Dental Hygiene class of Santa Fe College graduating in 1979. She worked in private practice in the Tampa area. She represented Viadent and Colgate at dental meetings throughout the country. She has worked in Dentistry with her husband Todd since 1992, growing the meeting management, membership, and revenues of several organizations. In 2015, she and Todd took over the management of the Western Society of Periodontology expanding their focus to the West coast. In addition to the WSP, they also manage the ISPPS, AMED, and MDHA dental associations. Deb is the Executive Director of both the Arizona and Missouri Dental Hygienists Associations. She has owned a Jazzercise Premier Center for 38 years. She has four grown children and loves to travel. Contact Deb on: [email protected]
Pam Larrabee
Pamela Larrabee, RDH, BAS, MA

Rio Salado Community College, AAS; Arizona State University, BAS;
Northern Arizona University, MA
Industry Volunteerism:
Board member and fund raiser for local component—Central Arizona Dental Hygienists’ Association (CADHA)
Communications committee for Arizona Dental Hygienists’ Association (AzDHA)
Communications Chair for AzDHA
American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Delegate
Board Member at Large for AzDHA
AzDHA President

I have spent 10 years as a dental assistant and 21 years as a dental hygienist in clinical practice. Currently, I am a clinical instructor while still practicing in private practice.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi

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